What is a Minting Wallet and How Do I Set One Up?

Modified on: Thu, 1 Aug, 2024 at 9:09 PM

You can now set your preferred default minting wallet. After you complete your purchase, your domains are sent to your preferred default minting wallet. You can easily choose which wallet is your default minting wallet. 

To set up a Minting Wallet head to your Account Settings page and you will see a list of wallets you have attached to your account. If you would like to add a new wallet you can press the "Add Wallet" button and add a new wallet.

When the wallet is added to your account, click on the three dots next to the wallet address you would like to set and press "Use as Minting Wallet".

Now any domains you purchase will be sent to this selected wallet.

If you would like to remove the Minting Wallet you can head back to the Account settings page, press on the three dots next to the wallet and press "Remove Wallet".

If you would like to change the Minting Wallet there are two ways you can do this. If you go to the Account Settings page you can click on the three dots next to a new wallet and press "Use as Minting Wallet.

The alternative way to change the Minting Wallet is to head over to your My Domains page where you will see the Minting Wallet at the top of the page. If you click on the Minting Wallet it will drop down to show the wallets in your account where you can select a new wallet.

In addition to choosing your own wallet, you can also select the Unstoppable Lite wallet as the default minting wallet. You can learn more about our Unstoppable Lite wallet here.

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