Locked out of your account?
We can disable 2FA for your account if you are locked out of it. Email us at [email protected] or submit a ticket with the following information:
- Email associated with your Unstoppable Domains account
- Proof of your latest purchase
- Last 4 digits if paid with debit/credit card
- PayPal transaction ID (staring with "UD-")
- Crypto transaction hash
- Order ID if the only order(s) tied to the account was purchased using credits
- If you do not have a purchase, you may also provide your account creation date
To enable 2FA:
In order to enable Two Factor Authentication (2FA) for more security while claiming and managing domains you need to follow the following steps:
- Go to the profile icon. Within the dropdown menu, select Account Settings.
- Scan the bar code with your preferred authenticator. We recommend Duo or Google Authenticator from the App Store or Play Store.
- Click NEXT.
- Enter the 6-digit code the Authenticator App shows for the Unstoppable Domains Website and click SAVE:
- Click on the SEND CODE BY EMAIL button:
- Type the 6 digits code you received via email to configure the set-up:
- Your domains are now with another layer of security and the only way anyone can claim or manage them inside the Unstoppable Domains account, will require them to have access to the Wallet and to the Phone, you used to configure the Two Factor Authentication code.